Travis TouchDown a classic among Video Game Characters!
Travis TouchDown a classic among Video Game Characters!
Man, Kid Icarus needs another game. Either a port of Uprising, or a sequel to it.
these designs make me jealous..... I gotta get better some how.
All it takes is time pal. And a college degree in physics
Nothing like Sam and Max to make a good day
All that drawing looks like to me is that dog staring with bloodlust at that rabbit
Fight on, you glorious little alien bastard!
Noice, giving him a move set would be troublesome though, wouldn't it?
This all seems.... really in character for Dedede. More respect for you Kimi.... and King DDD
CARUMBA! I hate it when there's a trend on the internet. I'll sweep for more good content like this.
I'm working on it although it ain't easy.
Writer/Voice Actor
Fuck that.
Joined on 10/22/16